Friday, November 2, 2012

#16 Old Technology

What do we do with old technology? We first need to determine if the old technology is still viable or has a practical use for us. Just because the technology is deemed old does not mean that it can not still be helpful in the education process. Too many times we are quick to dismiss things that are useful because it is not the latest and greatest. If we find the technology to be outdated and of no use to us than we should look for ways to upgrade it or recycle it. I am sure that we throw a lot of good things away that others would die for. As an administrator I think that a policy should be established in the school that addresses these matters. I would create a rubric to assess the viability of the technology. Questions would include:
1. Does the teacher use the technology?
2. Is the technology helping to enhance learning?
3. Is replacing the technology cost effective and beneficial?
4. What does research say about the old technology?

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