Thursday, September 13, 2012

#3 The Early Bird gets the Worm

As a teacher and a bus driver I get to see the school before it comes to life with students and long after they go home. This year I have begun to look at things differently and pay attention to the small details that make a school some place special. Long before the sun comes up I see the parking lot full of teachers' cars already getting the day started. I pass other teachers on the road heading to start their day. Seeing these things has made me realize that teaching is not a job, it is a passion. How many people show up to do their job hours before they are actually supposed to? Not many is what I have come to realize. Are they doing it for overtime or to get tenure? Well we know the answer about the overtime. But its not just new teachers that are there. There are veterans of 20 years putting their time in before the sun to make sure that they are ready to give their best. We work with great people that really care about what they do and the students they do it for. I'm proud to be part of a profession that is motivated by quality instead of money. I challenge you to show up early to your work because someone notices that extra effort even if you don't think so.

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