Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Real Blog Entry

Today we had a great speaker come to the school and speak to the students about having a plan for your life and that nothing is impossible. As much as it was for the kids it really struck home for me. I have never been much of a planner and have really just been a reactor. But in the past few years i developed a plan and so far it is really making a difference in my life.

The speaker talked about three important factors in a person's life and how the plan should be based on these three things. The first thing is the body and how you have to take care of yourself to be able to withstand the obstacles you face. In the past 4 months I started going to the gym and have lost a much needed 40 lbs. This has allowed me to do so many new things that my weight previously slowed me down. The second thing is my brain. I have been pursing a degree in administration and have learned so many new and great things that have made me a better teacher and a better member of the faculty. The last thing was relationships. I got married over a year ago to the best person I know and I am a better person because of her. She has greatly changed my previous plan but all for the better.

My plan has meaning now because it is shared with someone who supports it. I hope the students took something away from the speaker because I know I sure did. You never know what you may learn at school if you just listen.

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