Saturday, December 8, 2012

#26 Being a fan

I have a big problem with people who call themselves fans but have never been to or even know where the school they pull for is. I also can't stand fans that refer to everything about their team as "WE". A few weeks ago while standing in a gas station on a Saturday waiting to pay for my gas a nice lady wearing an Auburn shirt said "War Eagle" to me since she saw my Auburn hat. I returned the courtesy because I knew what she meant by it. See as an alumni of Auburn University we use that phrase as a way to greet other people that are alumni. We call them War Eagle moments and I have shared them all over this country and in foreign countries. It is something special for Auburn people and really a great feeling to hear it when you feel like you don't know anyone else.

After we had exchanged War Eagle quietly to each other multiple Alabama fans screamed Roll Tide at us. This is where I have issues with some fan bases. We were not screaming our battle cry out to them to annoy them or out of pride for our school. Fans need to act with class to represent their team. Trust me, I understand the rivalry and the hatred that both schools have for each other as well as anyone. At the end of the day you can still act like human beings and respect each other. WAR EAGLE!!

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